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Our Strategy

Walk the Walk USA supports the most effective and ethical path to Democratic victories in federal, state, and local elections to combat the rising tide of authoritarianism and to strengthen democracy. Research shows that typical political fundraising is not the most effective way to win. Registering, empowering, and relationally mobilizing voters of color who form the base of the Democratic party -- rather than contributing to big TV ad buys, or even top of the ticket candidates -- is a much more powerful approach.
Walk the Walk's Strategy
Walk the Walk USA moves strategic funding to initiatives that utilize the most effective voter engagement tactics, in the most competitive geographies, supporting the most impactful voters. We fundraise and make grants to local grassroots organizations run by people from the communities they serve.  These groups use research-proven tactics to engage communities to win. They promote Democratic issues in historically disenfranchised communities of color, and because of our funding, they are hard at work right now engaging voters.
Our work for 2024 focuses on strategic grassroots initiatives in key states to help:


  1. Hold the Presidency

  2. Hold the U.S. Senate

  3. Flip the U.S. House

  4. Win key state-level seats as a bulwark against authoritarianism and election subversion

  5. Hold competitive Democratic seats & flip competitive Republican seats in the U.S. House

  6. Achieve downballot wins to build local power, infrastructure, and the bench, and

  7. Deepen civic engagement in key communities for long-term progress

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How do you select grassroots groups?

A: We work directly with advisors at Movement Voter Project, Rural Democracy Initiative, state donor tables, and elsewhere to identify the grassroots organization in each of our battleground states that best meets the criteria of Walk the Walk strategy. Each organization we're supporting:


  1. Is embedded in and run by communities of color.

  2. Has a demonstrated record of success registering and turning out new voters via relational organizing or deep canvassing tactics.

  3. Works in the key sub-geographies we've identified in each state as being most important for the preservation of democracy in the short and long term.

  4. Has a specific unmet funding need and an ability to use funds impactfully now. 


We've had extensive conversations with each group and have built ongoing relationships with them.


Q: Why not contribute directly to these candidates/organizations?

A:  Our ActBlue page makes it easier to contribute to all (or any subset that you like) at once, and it's a secure and easy way to give. And because we are relentlessly monitoring the funding gaps of our beneficiaries, when you contribute through the Walk the Walk USA ActBlue page, you'll know that your investment is going to places that need it most.


Q: What do you mean "monitoring the funding gaps"?
A: Unlike many political fundraising initiatives, we remain focused on ensuring that all contributions go where they will have the most impact. When we select a beneficiary to fund, we review their voter program budget gaps. We stay in close contact and monitor how close we are to meeting their targets. As soon as the initiatives we've identified and committed to are fully funded, we move to a new organization in need. 


Q: Why would I donate to Walk the Walk USA?

A:  You are not donating to Walk the Walk USA. We are an all-volunteer group, and via our ActBlue page, donations are allocated directly to the grassroots organizations we're supporting.


Q: Who covers your administrative costs?

A: We do. This is a volunteer project and a labor of love. Our houses are messy, our families are tired of the political talk, but the tradeoff is worth it. All contributions go directly to the organizations, not us.


Q: How do I know if these groups are any good?

A: All of our groups have a demonstrated track record in their communities. Many of our grassroots organizations have been nationally recognized for their work. They are strongly recommended by Movement Voter Project, a national group that only supports highly effective grassroots organizations who pass their 3-stage vetting process, ensuring that they have a history of excellence, a sound financial plan, strong local leadership, and a current funding need, and/or by other comparable advisors.


Q: How do I know if this site is secure?

A: No donations are made on this site, and as a volunteer organization, we cover our own operational expenses. Instead, donors contribute directly to the candidates/groups we support via a secure ActBlue page.


Q: Are donations tax deductible?

A: For 2024, we are prioritizing fundraising for 501c4 groups, enabling them to endorse candidates and take partisan positions, which is essential in this critical election year. As such, contributions to these groups via our ActBlue page are not tax-deductible. However, if you have a DAF, family foundation, appreciated stock, or required minimum distributions from an IRA, we have an incredible opportunity  for you to leverage these vehicles to help strengthen democracy. Please contact us for more information.


Q: Can I make a contribution by check?

A: ActBlue accepts contributions by credit card, debit card, PayPal, and ApplePay, but not by check. However, if you would like to give via donor-advised fund (DAF) or family foundation, we have options! Please contact us.


Q: I am over 70 and obliged to take a minimum distribution from my IRA and 457 retirement accounts.  In the past, I've paid state and federal income taxes on those distributions. Is there a way for me to donate funds from those accounts?

A: YES. Please contact us.


Q: Can I make a donation of appreciated stock?

YES. Please contact us.


Q: Can I make a donation of cryptocurrency?

If you're interested in donating Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency, please contact us.

Help Win the Election Today

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